Play and manage games
To play and manage the games downloaded and
installed on your device, select
My Games
. The games
are sorted by the last-played date with the most recent
There are five possible types of games in My games:
Full games — These are games you have purchased
with a full licence. There may be several licence
types available, depending on the game and your
Trial games — These are full game files to which
you have access only for a limited time or which
have limited content. When the trial expires, you
must purchase a licence to unlock the full game and
continue. These games are marked with a trail
Demo games — These are smaller sections of the
game with only a very limited set of features and
levels. These games are marked with a demo
Full expired — These are games that you have
purchased with a limited licence, which is now
expired. These games are marked with a clock and
an arrow.
Not available — These are full games which you
have removed, or which you have downloaded but
the installation was not completed. These games
are shown as unavailable in the games list. Also,
games installed on the memory card are shown as
unavailable when the memory card has been
If a game extra has been downloaded but not fully
installed, the respective game graphic is also
unavailable and the game cannot be played until the
game extra has been installed.